death note
- 网络死亡笔记;死亡笔记本

The death note passes him power to do that .
Exchanging and writing on the DEATH NOTE between the gods of death is no problem .
The number of the pages of DEATH NOTE will never run out .
This can be done up to6 times per DEATH NOTE .
You will lose memory of the DEATH NOTE when losing its ownership .
Even without obtaining ownership , memories will return just by touching the DEATH NOTE .
The borrower of the DEATH NOTE not be followed by a god of death .
The DEATH NOTE will not take effect if you write a specific bictims name using several different pages .
The above-mentioned circumstance can also carry on in the of DEATH NOTE of dissimilarity ownership .
You cannot kill humans at th age of124 and over with death note .
Even the original owners of the DEATH NOTE , gods of death , do not know much about the note .
When regaining ownership of the DEATH NOTE , the memories associated with the DEATH NOTE will also return .
The ownership of this DEATH NOTE is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it .
However , if they intentionally misspell the name four times , the DEATH NOTE owner will die .
The god which only turns DEATH NOTE to render up the human life field then can kill note 's owner .
The DEATH NOTE will be rendered useless if the victim 's name is misspelled four times .
One page taken from the death note , or even a fragment of the page , contains the full effects of the note .
But you can regain this memory by either obtaining the ownership once again or by touching the DEATH NOTE .
The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death , its original owner , until they die .
It is prerequisite for the DEATH NOTE used in the human world that a living god of death makes sure that the humans in the human world use it .
How to use : li * however , if a seventh death note is owned by a human in the human world , nothing will happen even if used .
If the death note is stolen and the owner is killed by the thief , its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief .
Only by touching each other 's DEATH NOTE can human individuals who own the DEATH NOTE in the human world recognize the appearance and voice of each other 's god of death .
Black is also working on an action project from Sony ; and Warner Bros recently hired him to direct a live action adaptation of the Japanese manga series Death Note .
When the owner of the DEATH NOTE dies while the note is being lent , its ownership will be transferred to the person who isholding it at that time .
This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession , but means he will only lose the memory involving the DEATH NOTE .
Even though only one name is written in the DEATH NOTE , if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die , the victim 's cause of death will be a heart attack .
When the God of death 's death note is handed to a human .
When the same name is written on more than two DEATH NOTES , the Note which was first filled in will take effect regardless of the time of death .
Manage together , write down cause of death first in a DEATH NOTE , after again write down name on another one , equally valid .